Welcome to my little niche called Self-Storage Auctions and Schedules.

Since you are looking at this page I know you are interested in Self-Storage Auctions. Why else would you be here? I also know you are in the right place to find self-storage auction schedule lists.

My primary focus is in the state of Georgia since this is where I live and auction hunt. However, I also do list self-storage auctions located anywhere in the United States. Sorry, at this time I am not taking submissions from outside of the USA. I am always expanding my coverage area and will take specific location search requests when I am able.

Yes, I am a Storage Locker buyer and not some Internet poser that is in this just to make a buck off of storage locker buyers. I have first-hand knowledge of what a self-storage auction buyer is looking for and how to fulfill those needs.

This Blog is setup as an easy to use interface for visitors to use for self-storage auction searches. The subscribers of this Blog will get e-mail notifications when it is updated. And trust me, this Blog is updated just about everyday.

Recently, I’ve had to prune many of the Blog articles here. There was an issue identified to me about using short URL services for Twitter and Facebook. I’m not going to go into details but from what I was told it is downright fugly. Since 100% of the pages here were linked with short URL services on Facebook and Twitter I just went ahead and deleted all the old pages. So, out with the old and in with the new!

I am the only Self-Storage Auction Schedule provider that will include in the list the Owner, Locker Content, and Locker Numbers when available. Other information providers like this one do not give this critical information out their customers. It is unheard of and I intend to change the standards by which these types of lists are distributed. It is too easy to go to Auctioneer Web Sites and just duplicate their content and call it an auction list for sale.

Oh, some may claim they have the most complete schedules available. Some may even proclaim they are the best. One even claims they provide information about 100% of the lockers going up for sale – LOL! In reality they are just more than likely drinking too much of the Kool-Aid and are caught up in their own sales hype. I won’t make any of these ridicules claims because I know there is always room for improvement. And improve everyday I do!

You see, not only do I provide the Date, Name, Address, and Phone Number of the storage auction locations I also go the extra mile. When the information is available to me I will provide locker content as well. Why is that important?

When you go to an auction sometimes there is what’s called “Built-up” or “Donation” lockers. These are lockers that have nothing to do with the lien sale and the reason why you are at the auction. The quality of the stuff in these types of lockers is usually dismal and you really want to stay away from them. If you don’t have a list of lockers being auctioned it is very easy for the facility to pass one of these off as a lien sale locker. I’ve seen it a hundred times over and over again… And nobody in the crowd knows the difference.

Don’t get me wrong, there are some storage facilities that will mention that there are Built-up lockers in the inventory for that day’s auction. These however are few and far between. This is the reason why you should have a list of lockers for that day’s auction. Many times the inventory list will give an indication of who owned it and what generally can be expected to be in the locker. The “Who and What” is very important! Add to that a general knowledge of having the locker Id Numbers. If one is added that is not on the list you will know it is more than likely a built-up or donated unit you should stay away from.

Ask yourself, do you want to purchase a Self-Storage Auction Schedule List that is cut and pasted off of an Internet web site or one that has been researched? If it were me, A Self-Storage Auction Locker Buyer, I will choose the latter any day of the week.
If you want to see an example of our lists cruise over to:

Scroll down to the lower part of the page and click on the “View Example List” button located there.

Get a feel for what our list has to offer. While you are there take a look around. You may find something of interest and have a sudden impulse to purchase it – ;o)
